

【R/Rcpp】項目反応理論 (IRT) をスクラッチで実装する


本記事では、Wim J. van der Linden (2016) の``Handbook of Item Response Theory Volume 2: Statistical Tools" 15章を参考にしていますので、より詳しく知りたい方はそちらをご覧ください。




ざっくり書いていきます。個人 $i = 1,...,I$ が 問題 $j = 1,...,J$ にて正解する ($y_{ij} = 1$; otherwise 0) 確率を以下で与えます:

\begin{align*} p_{ij} = \text{Pr}(y_{ij}=1\ |\ \alpha_j, \beta_j, \theta_i) = \text{logit}^{-1}(\beta_j \theta_i - \alpha_j). \end{align*}

ここで、$\alpha_j$, $\beta_j$はそれぞれ問題$j$の難易度 (difficulty) と識別度 (discrimination)、$\theta_i$は個人$i$の能力 (ability) で、$\text{logit}^{-1}$は逆ロジット関数です。Likelihood $f(\cdot\ |\ \cdot)$は

\begin{align} f(y\ |\ \alpha, \beta, \theta) &= \prod\limits_{i=1}^{I}\prod\limits_{j=1}^J \left[p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}\right]\\ \end{align}


\begin{align*} \alpha_j &\sim \mathcal{N}(a_0, A_0),\\ \beta_j &\sim \mathcal{N}(b_0, B_0), \\ \theta_i &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1). \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \pi(\alpha_j\ |\ y, \beta_j, \theta_i) &\propto f(y | \alpha, \beta, \theta)\pi(\alpha)\\ &\propto \prod\limits_{i=1}^{I} \left[p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}\right] \cdot N(\alpha_j \ |\ a_0, A_0) \forall j = 1,\dots J,\\ \pi(\beta_j\ |\ y, \alpha_j, \theta_i) &\propto f(y | \alpha, \beta, \theta)\pi(\beta)\\ &\propto \prod\limits_{i=1}^{I}\left[p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}\right] \cdot N(\beta_j \ |\ b_0, B_0) \forall j=1,...J,\\ \pi(\theta_i\ |\ y, \alpha_j, \beta_j) &\propto f(y | \alpha, \beta, \theta)\pi(\theta)\\ &\propto \prod\limits_{j=1}^J \left[p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}\right] \cdot N(\theta_i \ |\ 0, 1) \forall i=1,...,I. \end{align*}


MCMCする (Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm)

通常のギブスサンプリングだと上記の目標分布からのサンプリングは困難ということで、Metropolis-Hastings Algorithmを用います。

ここで、ノテーションの簡略化のために任意のパラメータを$\delta_k$と定めます ($\delta_{1} = \alpha$, $\delta_2 = \beta$, $\delta_3 = \theta$)。まず、各パラメータの候補$\delta_k^*$を以下のようなランダムウォークな分布からサンプリングします。

\[\delta_k^* \sim N(\delta_k^{(t-1)}, \kappa_\delta)\]

$\delta_k^{(t-1)}$は1イテレーション前の$\delta_k$の値であり、$\kappa_\delta$はMH法でいうところのチューニングパラメータです。また、採択確率 (acceptance probability) は以下で計算します:

\[ ap = \min\left\{\frac{f\left(\delta_k^{*}\ | \ y, \delta_{-k}^{(t-1)}\right) g\left(\delta_k^{(t-1)}\ |\ \delta_k^{*} \right)}{f\left(\delta_k^{(t-1)}\ | \ y, \delta_{-k}^{(t-1)}\right) g\left(\delta_k^*\ |\ \delta_k^{(t-1)} \right)}, 1\right\} \]

$g(\cdot |\ \cdot)$は提案分布です。また、とあるrandom number $u$を$U(0, 1)$からサンプリングして、$u < ap$ならばパラメータのサンプル候補である$\delta_k^{*}$を採択します。そうでない場合は、$\delta_k^{(t-1)}$をサンプルとして採択します。

しかし、コンピューター的な問題で$ap$等の確率の値がPCが認識できないレベルまで小さくなる場合があります (例えば、1000個の観測とそれぞれの確率が0.001の場合、つまり0.0011000の場合を想像してみてください)。そこで、上記の採択確率を対数に変換します。すなわち

\begin{align*} \log ap = \min&\{\log f\left(\delta_k^{*}\ | \ y, \delta_{-k}^{(t-1)}\right) + \log g\left(\delta_k^{(t-1)}\ |\ \delta_k^{*} \right) \\ &- \left[\log f\left(\delta_k^{(t-1)}\ | \ y, \delta_{-k}^{(t-1)}\right) + \log\left(\delta_k^*\ |\ \delta_k^{(t-1)} \right)\right], 0\} \end{align*}

であり、$\log(u) < \log(ap)$であれば$\delta_k^*$を採択します。そうでない場合は、$\delta_k^{(t-1)}$をサンプルとして採択します。これらのステップを任意のイテレーション数まで繰り返します。





#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix log_likelihood(NumericMatrix Y, NumericVector alpha, 
                             NumericVector beta, NumericVector theta) {
  int I = theta.length();
  int J = alpha.length();
  NumericMatrix prob(I, J);
  NumericMatrix log_p(I, J);
  for (int j = 0; j < J; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < I; i++) {
      prob(i, j) = std::exp(beta[j] * theta[i] - alpha[j]) / (1 + std::exp(beta[j] * theta[i] - alpha[j]));
      log_p(i, j) = Y(i, j) * std::log(prob(i, j)) + (1 - Y(i, j)) * std::log((1 - prob(i, j))); 





alpha_sampling <- function(Y, old_data, a0, A0) {
  # sum function with na.rm=TRUE
  sum_ <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE) 
  # Get old parameter
  alpha_old <- old_data$alpha
  MH_alpha <- old_data$MH$alpha
  J <- length(alpha_old)
  # Generate candidate parameter: alpha_can ~ N(alpha_old, tuning_param_alpha)
  alpha_star <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(J, alpha_old, MH_alpha))
  # Calculate acceptance probability
  ## Log posterior density
  ### Candidate: log(f(Y | theta_old, alpha_star, beta_old)) + log(pi(N(alpha_star | a0, A0)))
  log_cc_star <- apply(log_likelihood(Y, 
                                      alpha = alpha_star, 
                                      beta = old_data$beta, 
                                      theta = old_data$theta), 2, sum_) + 
    log(dnorm(alpha_star, a0, A0))
  ### Old: log(f(Y | theta_old, alpha_old, beta_old)) + log(pi(N(alpha_old | a0, A0)))
  log_cc_old <- apply(log_likelihood(Y, alpha_old, old_data$beta, old_data$theta), 2, sum_) +
    log(dnorm(alpha_old, a0, A0)) 
  ## Proposal density
  ### Candidate: g_m(alpha_star | alpha_old)
  log_prop_star <- log(dnorm(alpha_star, alpha_old, MH_alpha)) 
  ### Old: # g_m(alpha_old | alpha_star)
  log_prop_old <- log(dnorm(alpha_old, alpha_star, MH_alpha)) 
  ## Acceptance probability 
  log_ac <- pmin(log_cc_star + log_prop_old - log_cc_old - log_prop_star, 0)
  ## Acceptance indicator - if log(u) < log(acceptance prob), then return 1 (otherwise 0)
  acc_new <- ifelse(log(runif(J)) < log_ac, 1, 0)
  # Save
  current_data <- old_data
  ## If acceptance indicator == 1, accept alpha_star
  current_data$alpha <- ifelse(acc_new == 1, alpha_star, alpha_old)
  ## Calculate acceptance rate
  current_data$acc$alpha_acc <- current_data$acc$alpha_acc + acc_new



beta_sampling <- function(Y, old_data, b0, B0) {
  sum_ <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  # Get old parameter
  beta_old <- old_data$beta
  MH_beta <- old_data$MH$beta
  J <- length(beta_old)
  # Generate candidate parameter: beta_can ~ N(ln beta_old, tuning_param_beta)
  beta_star <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(J, beta_old, MH_beta))
  # Calculate acceptance probability
  ## Log posterior density
  ### Candidate: log(f(Y | theta_old, alpha_old, beta_star)) + log(pi(N(beta_star | b0, B0)))
  log_cc_star <- apply(log_likelihood(Y, 
                                      alpha = old_data$alpha, 
                                      beta = beta_star, 
                                      theta = old_data$theta), 2, sum_) + 
    log(dnorm(beta_star, b0, B0))
  ### Old: log(f(Y | theta_old, alpha_old, beta_old)) + log(pi(N(beta_old | b0, B0)))
  log_cc_old <- apply(log_likelihood(Y, 
                                     alpha = old_data$alpha, 
                                     beta = beta_old, 
                                     theta = old_data$theta), 2, sum_) +
    log(dnorm(beta_old, b0, B0)) 
  ## Proposal density
  ### Candidate: g_m(beta_star | beta_old)
  log_prop_star <- log(dnorm(beta_star, beta_old, MH_beta)) 
  ### Old: # g_m(beta_old | beta_star)
  log_prop_old <- log(dnorm(beta_old, beta_star, MH_beta)) 
  ## Acceptance probability 
  log_ac <- pmin(log_cc_star + log_prop_old - log_cc_old - log_prop_star, 0)
  ## Acceptance indicator - if log(u) < log(acceptance prob), then return 1 (otherwise 0)
  acc_new <- ifelse(log(runif(J)) < log_ac, 1, 0)
  # Save
  current_data <- old_data
  ## If acceptance indicator == 1, accept beta_star
  current_data$beta <- ifelse(acc_new == 1, beta_star, beta_old)
  ## Calculate acceptance rate
  current_data$acc$beta_acc <- old_data$acc$beta_acc + acc_new



theta_sampling <- function(Y, old_data) {
  sum_ <- function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  # Get old parameter
  theta_old <- old_data$theta
  MH_theta <- old_data$MH$theta
  I <- length(theta_old)
  # Generate candidate parameter: theta_can ~ N(theta_old, tuning_param_theta)
  theta_star <- suppressWarnings(rnorm(I, theta_old, MH_theta))
  # Calculate acceptance probability
  ## Log posterior density
  ### Candidate: log(f(Y | theta_star, alpha_old, beta_old)) + log(pi(N(theta_star | 0, 1)))
  log_cc_star <- apply(log_likelihood(Y, 
                                      alpha = old_data$alpha, 
                                      beta = old_data$beta, 
                                      theta = theta_star), 1, sum_) + 
    log(dnorm(theta_star, 0, 1))
  ### Old: log(f(Y | theta_old, alpha_old, beta_old)) + log(pi(N(theta_old | 0, 1)))
  log_cc_old <- apply(log_likelihood(Y, 
                                     alpha = old_data$alpha, 
                                     beta = old_data$beta, 
                                     theta = theta_old), 1, sum_) +
    log(dnorm(theta_old, 0, 1)) 
  ## Proposal density
  ### Candidate: g_m(theta_star | theta_old)
  log_prop_star <- log(dnorm(theta_star, mean = theta_old, sd = MH_theta)) 
  ### Old: # g_m(theta_old | theta_star)
  log_prop_old <- log(dnorm(theta_old, mean = theta_star, sd = MH_theta)) 
  ## Acceptance probability 
  log_ac <- pmin(log_cc_star + log_prop_old - log_cc_old - log_prop_star, 0)
  ## Acceptance indicator - if log(u) < log(acceptance prob), then return 1 (otherwise 0)
  acc_new <- ifelse(log(runif(I)) < log_ac, 1, 0)
  # Save
  current_data <- old_data
  ## If acceptance indicator == 1, accept theta_star
  current_data$theta <- ifelse(acc_new == 1, theta_star, theta_old)
  ## Calculate acceptance rate
  current_data$acc$theta_acc <- old_data$acc$theta_acc + acc_new



MH_irt <- function(datamatrix, alpha_init = NULL, beta_init = NULL, theta_init = NULL,
                   MH_alpha = 0.4, MH_beta = 0.4, MH_theta = 0.4,
                   iter = 2000, warmup = 1000, thin = 1, refresh = 100, seed = NULL,
                   a0 = 1, A0 = 10, b0 = 0, B0 = 10) {
  # Rename matrix as Y for convenience
  Y <- datamatrix
  # Extract the # of individuals and items
  I <- nrow(Y)
  J <- ncol(Y)
  cat("Run Metropolis-Hasting Sampler for 2PL Item response model...\n\n")
  cat("  Observations:", I * J,"\n")
  cat("    Number of individuals:", I, "\n")
  cat("    Number of items:", J, "\n")
  cat("    Total correct response:", sum(as.numeric(Y), na.rm = TRUE), "/", I * J, 
      "[", round(sum(as.numeric(Y), na.rm = TRUE) / (I * J), 2) * 100, "%]","\n\n")
  cat("  Priors: \n")
  cat("    alpha ~", paste0("N(", a0, ", ", A0, "),"), 
      "beta ~", paste0("N(", b0, ", ", B0, "),"), 
      "theta ~ N(0, 1).\n")
  # Preparation
  ## Measure starting time
  stime <- proc.time()[3]
  ## Set seed
  if (is.null(seed)) {
    seed <- as.integer(runif(1, 1, 50000))
  ## Define the number of iterations
  total_iter <- iter + warmup
  ## Generate storage
  alpha_store <- matrix(NA, J, iter/thin) 
  beta_store <- matrix(NA, J, iter/thin)
  theta_store <- matrix(NA, I, iter/thin)
  ## Define initial number
  if (is.null(alpha_init)) {
    alpha_init <- rep(0, J)
  if (is.null(beta_init)) {
    beta_init <- rep(1, J)
  if (is.null(theta_init)) {
    theta_init <- rep(0.1, I)
  ## Generate data
  current_data <- list(alpha = alpha_init,
                       beta = beta_init,
                       theta = theta_init,
                       MH = list(alpha = MH_alpha, beta = MH_beta, theta = MH_theta),
                       acc = list(alpha_acc = 0, beta_acc = 0, theta_acc = 0))
  ## Generate priors
  priors <- list(a0 = a0, A0 = A0, b0 = b0, B0 = B0)
  for (ii in 1:total_iter) {
    # Sampling theta parameter
    current_data <- theta_sampling(Y, current_data)
    if (all(is.na(current_data$theta))) {
      cat("Error at", ii, ": All values are NAs.\n")
    # Sampling alpha parameter 
    current_data <- alpha_sampling(Y, current_data, priors$a0, priors$A0)
    if (all(is.na(current_data$alpha))) {
      cat("Error at", ii, ": All values are NAs.\n")
    # Sampling beta parameter
    current_data <- beta_sampling(Y, current_data, priors$b0, priors$B0)
    if (all(is.na(current_data$beta))) {
      cat("Error at", ii, ": All values are NAs.\n")
    if (ii <= warmup & ii %% refresh == 0) {
      cat("Warmup:", ii, "/", total_iter, "[", round(ii/total_iter, 2) * 100, "%]", 
          round(proc.time()[3] - stime, 1), "sec\n")
    if (ii > warmup) {
      if ((ii - warmup) %% thin == 0) {
        iii <- (ii - warmup) / thin
        alpha_store[, iii] <- current_data$alpha
        beta_store[, iii] <- current_data$beta
        theta_store[, iii] <- current_data$theta
      if (ii %% refresh == 0) {
        cat("Sampling:", ii, "/", total_iter, "[", round(ii/total_iter, 2) * 100, "%]", 
            round(proc.time()[3] - stime, 1), "sec\n")
  # Calculate acceptance rate
  alpha_acc <- current_data$acc$alpha_acc / total_iter
  beta_acc <- current_data$acc$beta_acc / total_iter
  theta_acc <- current_data$acc$theta_acc / total_iter
  # Generate variable labels
  label_iter <- paste0("iter_", 1:(iter/thin))
  alpha_lab <- paste0("alpha_", 1:J)
  beta_lab <- paste0("beta_", 1:J)
  theta_lab <- paste0("theta_", 1:I)
  colnames(alpha_store) <- colnames(beta_store) <- colnames(theta_store) <- label_iter
  rownames(alpha_store) <- alpha_lab
  rownames(beta_store) <- beta_lab
  rownames(theta_store) <- theta_lab
  # Redefine quantile function
  lwr <- function(x) quantile(x, probs = 0.025, na.rm = TRUE)
  upr <- function(x) quantile(x, probs = 0.975, na.rm = TRUE)
  mean_ <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  median_ <- function(x) median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  # Calculate statistics
  alpha_post <- data.frame(variable = alpha_lab,
                           mean = apply(alpha_store, 1, mean_),
                           median = apply(alpha_store, 1, median_),
                           lwr = apply(alpha_store, 1, lwr),
                           upr = apply(alpha_store, 1, upr))
  beta_post <- data.frame(variable = beta_lab,
                          mean = apply(beta_store, 1, mean_),
                          median = apply(beta_store, 1, median_),
                          lwr = apply(beta_store, 1, lwr),
                          upr = apply(beta_store, 1, upr))
  theta_post <- data.frame(variable = theta_lab,
                           mean = apply(theta_store, 1, mean_),
                           median = apply(theta_store, 1, median_),
                           lwr = apply(theta_store, 1, lwr),
                           upr = apply(theta_store, 1, upr))
  # Aggregate
  result <- list(summary = list(alpha = alpha_post,
                                beta = beta_post,
                                theta = theta_post),
                 sample = list(alpha = alpha_store,
                               beta = beta_store,
                               theta = theta_store),
                 ac_rate = list(alpha = alpha_acc,
                                beta = beta_acc,
                                theta = theta_acc))
  etime <- proc.time()[3]
  cat(crayon::yellow("Done: Total time", round(etime - stime, 1), "sec\n"))



政治学では、議会における点呼式投票や裁判所における審判記録などを用いて各アクターの理想点 (ideal point) を推定します。理想点とは簡単に言えば「イデオロギー」のようなものであり、例えばリベラル・保守のようなものです。IRTは理想点推定に頻繁に用いられるテクニックであり、Clinton, Jackman and Rivers (2004)*1で詳しく説明されています。

一次元の政策空間$R$上に政治アクター$i=1,...,I$がいるとして、点呼式投票 or 判決 $j=1,...,J$について賛成票 (Yea) を投じる場合は$y_{ij}=1$となり、反対票 (Nay) を投じる場合は$y_{ij}=0$となります。ここで、棄権や欠席は欠損値とします*2。この時、賛成票を投じる確率は先ほどのIRTの式で表されます*3

\begin{align*} \text{Pr}(y_{ij}=1\ |\ \alpha_j, \beta_j, \theta_i) = \text{logit}^{-1}(\beta_j \theta_i - \alpha_j). \end{align*}

ここで、$\alpha_j, \beta_j$はそれぞれ政策争点のcutpoint (cutpointを超える$\theta$を持つ$i$は投票する)、分極度 (polarity, saliency) として捉えられます。また、$\theta_i$が$i$の理想点です。

先ほども述べましたが、アメリ最高裁判事の理想点が推定されている研究は多々あります。どの判事がリベラルで保守なのか等様々に議論されています。また、皆さん大好き{MCMCpack}の作者であるMartinさんとQuinnさんもその一例です。(Martin & Quinn 2002)*4


data(SupremeCourt, package = "MCMCpack")
Y <- t(SupremeCourt)
Y[1:9, 1:5]
          1 2 3 4 5
Rehnquist 0 0 0 0 1
Stevens   1 1 1 0 1
O Connor  1 0 0 0 0
Scalia    0 0 0 0 0
Kennedy   1 0 0 0 1
Souter    1 1 1 0 0
Thomas    0 0 0 0 0
Ginsburg  1 1 1 0 0
Breyer    1 1 1 1 0

上記のように、点呼式投票データや判決データは教育学や心理学でいうテストデータと同じ構造になっていることがわかります。それでは早速MCMCしましょう。今回は$\alpha_j$の事前分布に$N(0, 10)$、また$\beta_j$の事前分布に$N(1, 0.2)$を与えます。

# Initial values
alpha_init <- rep(0.1, ncol(Y))
beta_init <- rep(0.1, ncol(Y))
theta_init <- rep(0.1, nrow(Y))

# Set anchors
theta_init[which(rownames(Y) == "Ginsburg")] <- -2 # more liberal
theta_init[which(rownames(Y) == "Scalia")] <- 2 # more conservative

fit <- MH_irt(datamatrix = Y, # roll-call matrix
              alpha_init = alpha_init, # init for alpha
              beta_init = beta_init, # init for beta
              theta_init = theta_init, # init for theta
              MH_alpha = 2, # tuning param for alpha
              MH_beta = 0.6, # tuning param for beta
              MH_theta = 0.9, # tuning param for theta
              a0 = 0, # prior mean for alpha
              A0 = 10, # prior sd for alpha
              b0 = 1, # prior mean for beta
              B0 = 0.2, # prior sd for beta
              iter = 10000, # num of sampling
              warmup = 5000, # num of warmup
              thin = 10, # thining
              refresh = 1000, # Output the status of sampling every 1000 steps
              seed = 1) # seed
Run Metropolis-Hasting Sampler for 2PL Item response model...

  Observations: 387 
    Number of individuals: 9 
    Number of items: 43 
    Total correct response: 190 / 387 [ 49 %] 

    alpha ~ N(0, 10), beta ~ N(1, 0.2), theta ~ N(0, 1).

Warmup: 1000 / 15000 [ 7 %] 2.4 sec
Warmup: 2000 / 15000 [ 13 %] 4.9 sec
Warmup: 3000 / 15000 [ 20 %] 7.5 sec
Warmup: 4000 / 15000 [ 27 %] 10.3 sec
Warmup: 5000 / 15000 [ 33 %] 12.5 sec
Sampling: 6000 / 15000 [ 40 %] 14.6 sec
Sampling: 7000 / 15000 [ 47 %] 16.7 sec
Sampling: 8000 / 15000 [ 53 %] 18.7 sec
Sampling: 9000 / 15000 [ 60 %] 20.8 sec
Sampling: 10000 / 15000 [ 67 %] 22.3 sec
Sampling: 11000 / 15000 [ 73 %] 23.5 sec
Sampling: 12000 / 15000 [ 80 %] 24.8 sec
Sampling: 13000 / 15000 [ 87 %] 26 sec
Sampling: 14000 / 15000 [ 93 %] 27.2 sec
Sampling: 15000 / 15000 [ 100 %] 28.5 sec
Done: Total time 28.5 sec


# Extract estimated thetas
theta_iter <- fit$sample$theta %>% 
  t() %>% 

# Convert into longer data
theta_iter <- theta_iter %>% 
  gather() %>% 
  mutate(iter = rep(1:1000, times = nrow(Y)))

# Plot
theta_iter %>% 
  ggplot(aes(iter, value)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_bw() +
  xlab("Iteration") + ylab("") +
  facet_wrap(~ key, scales = "free_y")


# Extract estimated theta
theta <- fit$summary$theta

# Plot
theta %>% 
  mutate(name = rownames(Y),
         party = c("Republican", "Republican", "Republican", "Republican",
                   "Republican", "Republican", "Republican", "Democrat", "Democrat") %>% 
           factor(levels = c("Republican", "Democrat"))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = reorder(name, mean), x = mean, color = party)) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(xmin = lwr, xmax = upr), size = 1) +
  theme_light() +
  xlab("Estimated Ideal Point") + ylab("") +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.direction = "horizontal")



余力があれば順序モデルや多項モデルに拡張していきたいですね。また、先ほどのMartin & Quinn (2002) で紹介されていたダイナミックな時変的な推定も実装してみたいですね。


*1:Clinton, J., Jackman, S., & Rivers, D. (2004). The statistical analysis of roll call data. American Political Science Review, 98(2), 355-370.

*2:Rosas and Shomer (2015) がこれらの取り扱いについて詳しく述べています。


*4:Martin, A. D., & Quinn, K. M. (2002). Dynamic ideal point estimation via Markov chain Monte Carlo for the US Supreme Court, 1953–1999. Political analysis, 10(2), 134-153.